
What can compare to the value of the Hope Diamond? It would have to be something priceless.  One’s own life is certainly priceless, and so too, is a life-saving remedy. GARLIC is a life-saving remedy and a treasure in its own right! Laughable? Not if you realize that garlic can literally save and protect your […]

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If it’s not an allergy, more likely than not that itch in the back of your throat is the beginning of a cold, flu virus, or a strep bacterial infection.  Stop the itch in its tracks before it develops into a full blown sore throat, laryngitis or cough and/or, if you’re already sick, fight back with garlic. […]

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The end of the year is that time  in the U.S. when we start catching those nasty colds and the flu.  If just the cold weather were the culprit, then Alaskans would have it the worst.  But it’s not the cold or germs that necessarily make us susceptible to catching respiratory diseases. People in cold parts of the world are often known for their robustness and […]

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Garlic Syrup is great for most lung disorders, including sore throat and hoarseness, coughs, asthma, lung congestion, difficulty in breathing, as well as chronic bronchitis. It greatly assists in loosening phlegm from the lungs through expectoration.

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